Episode 62: My Biggest Regret Was Not Doing This Sooner…

Episode 42: THIS is Why You Need to Quit Settling
In today's episode, Wes and I are gonna go over all the reasons why you just can't afford to slow down. Check it out!

Episode 41: How to Make People Like You by Serving Your Tribe
In today's episode, we are gonna show you the best way for you to make people like you, by serving your tribe. Check it out!

Episode 40: Why You’re the Worst Person in Your Life
Man, today’s episode is another rough one. This is gonna be packed with a TON of value… but it’s not for the faint-hearted… We’re gonna be talking about why YOU are the worst person in your life.

Episode 34: 3 Tips to Speak Up for Yourself Without Being Rude
Today we’re gonna be talkin about how you can speak up more… How you can get more respect… and get on better with your friends… spouse, or your co-workers.

Episode 33: 10 Life Lessons Most People Learn Too Late
Today Wes and I are gonna break down all the things you’ll wish you had known before you get old.

Episode 32: How to Recognize Signs of Fake Friends Before It’s Too Late
Today we’re gonna be talkin’ about friendship red flags, how you can know your true friends, and what signs to look out for.

Episode 28: 3 Ways to Treat Yourself on Father’s Day
Today is a very special episode for us… because it’s our Father’s Day special! We’re gonna talk about how fathers can take some time off and why it’s important to put yourself first.

Episode 27: You Are NOT Responsible For Someone Else's Happiness
Today we are gonna be talking about how you can make sure that your happiness stays within your own hands and why it’s so important.

Episode 24: Quit Bringing Others Down to Boost Your Ego
Today, me and my man Wes dive deep into why you gotta stop s***ing on people to get ahead, and why the hell people even do it in the first place.

Episode 20: Do You Have the Heart to Stand Up for Yourself?
This is an episode I’m super excited for. It’s something I’m so passionate about. We are gonna be talkin’ about heart. What it is, why it’s good and how you can get more of it.

Episode 17: Takers vs. Makers
Are you a maker or a taker? What do you think? Which side are you on? Do you even know what they are? This is something I want you to think about cos’ no matter who you are, this mindset is gonna affect your life.

Episode 14: Why People Can’t Get Along
Today, we’re gonna be covering a valuable lesson that will help you in all areas of your life - why sometimes it can be so hard to get along with people, and what you can do about it.

Episode 9: Why I Give Trust and Let Them Earn Mistrust
Today we are gonna be talkin’ about why it’s best for you to give out trust and let people earn mistrust. Check it out!

Episode 4: FAMILY - How I Learned to Love
Today, we're gonna talk about the second ‘F’ of three: Freedom, Family, and Finances. Stick around as I dive into how my childhood shaped my view of family, love, and parenting.