Episode 40: Why You’re the Worst Person in Your Life

Hello everybody, and welcome, welcome, welcome to yet another episode of Kosmo Unfiltered.
As usual, I’m joined today by my man, Wes, and today’s episode is gonna be a pretty rough one…
We’re gonna be talking about why YOU are the worst person in your life.
Yup. I know… painful, right?
But hey… these rough episodes are the best ones, aren’t they?
Anyway… please make sure to drop us a like, comment, or subscribe! And remember, we make these episodes totally free, so if you really like it… why not share it with a friend.
But anyway… let’s get right into this.
A Little Exercise…
Ok, so you, at home. Reading this post. Here’s a little exercise for you.
I want you to take part in this and see how you feel after I say this.
You are the worst person in your life because :
You can’t leave yourself.
You can’t walk away from your failures, mistakes, thoughts, or any of the other stuff.
But… There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Because when you can break free from it…
You can become a much better parent, spouse, and friend.
And you can just become a hell of a lot happier in life, too.
I mean, it’s super simple.
That was literally like no more than just a couple of sentences on how you can fix your sorry ass.
I mean, you see 500-page self-help books being sold for $30.
But I mean… those sentences are probably more valuable than 90% of those books added together.
But what do you think of that?
How does it make you feel?
Do you think that it’s true?
Tag us on social media and let us know!
This Is Half the Work
OK, so when you admit that you can be a problem in your life… that is where you can start to turn it around.
And being truthful, that’s around half the battle for you.
Because once you finally see what exactly is going wrong, that’s when you can start to make small changes every single day to move forward in the right direction.
Like I have this recent example I wanna share with ya.
Recently, I started saying to myself that when I see people, I’m always gonna say to them:
“Have a blessed day.”
Then that stupid little voice in my head started talking.
Talking crap like, “Why the hell would you do that, man!”.
And before I knew it, I had started to make a bigger deal out of it than anyone I said it to would have ever done.
But then, once I started to notice that little voice in my head, that’s when I realized that I could do something about it.
And no matter what part of you you’re trying to change… if it’s your habits, your words, or even your relationships…noticing where you’re going wrong is an amazing place for you to start.
Because once you’ve done that, it’s half the battle!
Hey, I wanna thank you all for joining us today. What’s one way you can learn to live with yourself more? Let us know and tag us on social media! @kosmounfiltered
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