Episode 39: 3 Tips to Pay Off Debt & Reach Financial Freedom

Hello everybody, and welcome, welcome, welcome to yet another episode of Kosmo Unfiltered.
Once again, I’m joined by my man Wes, and we’re gonna be discussing something I LOVE talking about.
Yup… today’s episode is all about money. About how you can get more $$$.
But before we dive into it, please remember that we make these episodes totally free… we don’t have any sponsorships or paid ads to show you…
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Is This for You?
I wanna make something clear.
This advice does not apply to everyone.
I get it. If you’re in a difficult situation, or if you’re literally at 0, then this advice does not apply to you.
This advice applies to people who have a roof over their heads. They maybe have a car and a fridge full of beer.
Or put simply, this applies to anyone who prioritizes FUN over their BILLS.
I mean, I used to be exactly like that kind of person. On a Friday, I would get paid at 5 pm, and by 5:02 pm, I was on my way to the bar.
Then guess what? I would wake up on Monday morning, and I’d have no money left.
(Not a good place to be in, trust me.)
So anyway… I’ve gone and grabbed the numbers for you guys.
You know what the average credit card debt for an American family is?
$6,270 -
Total outstanding U.S Consumer Debt?
$4.2 trillion dollars -
Total Credit Card Debt?
$800 billion dollars
I’ve got a ton of other numbers, and they don’t make for pretty reading either.
And you know I used to be like one of those people too.
Until one day, my wife and I decided that we were sick of being sick. We said that we couldn’t go on like this any longer.
So we cut up all our credit cards and decided that we were gonna turn our lives around.
And as a fun fact - we actually keep those cut up cards inside a Christmas tree ornament and hang it up every year!
And now, three times a week, we pay off all of our credit cards.
We also decided at the time that we were gonna stop eating out, too. I remember we talked about that in a previous episode.
For months every single meal we had was made at home.
We didn’t go to bars, and we really started to budget.
And man, I hate that word, but we knew that we had to do it. Because budgets really suck.
And when we started doing it, instead of telling ourselves,
“We can’t afford this,”
We started to think about,
“How can we afford this.”
And that made a huge difference.
And, of course, it might be crap, but you have to do it.
What are some ways that you can better save your money?
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