Episode 45: The World is Falling Apart... Here's How to Survive

Hello and welcome, welcome, welcome to yet another episode of Kosmo Unfiltered.
Today, I’m joined by my man Wes, and today’s episode is gonna be a good one.
The topic of today’s episode is: The world is falling apart… and here’s how to survive.
Because you know what I’m like… I always like to be prepared.
So let’s jump right in!
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But anyway… let’s get started!
Am I Talking Nonsense?
Ya’know Wes was telling us about how when he was being brought up, at the local church they would say every week that the world could end.
And that’s terrible man. I mean who the heck wants to fall asleep every night with that information.
And it made me realize, you know I’ve never been the kind of person who would start freaking out and panicking about what’s going on in the world.
But I always believe in being aware of your surroundings, you know what I mean?
So I guess it might sound contradictory, but the first thing that I’m doing to protect myself from the end of the world is:
Turning off the Damn News
Yup. That’s the very FIRST thing I’m doing.
I mean you know what I would love? I’d love to be a news anchor for just 5 minutes.
Just 5 minutes, that’s all I ask.
‘Cos I bet ya I could scare the living s*** out of the entire country in just 5 minutes.
I mean that’s all that they do anyway… but still.
Like all the scaremongering… all the lying… man it just p***** me off so much.
Y'know what I wish we could do? I wish that anytime we caught someone lying on the news… we could instantly take them out onto the street and start whipping them.
Just instantly.
I think that would do our society a whole lotta good.
But the second thing I do is a little different
Keep Your Circle Tight
I keep my circle small.
It’s what I do.
And it’s strange to me because being in my inner circle is probably more of a pain in the ass than anything.
Because you’ll listen first-hand to all the s*** that runs through my head. And I gotta preface conversations with that sometimes.
Just like, “Hey man I’m gonna let you in on all the s*** that’s been spewing in my head right now.”
I mean it’s hard to list all the reasons why I do it, and whether or not you should, since everyone’s social life and their personality is different.
But at the end of the day… It's served me well.
Do This to Have More Fun
One of the easiest ways to have more fun in your life is to PLAN it.
And that’s what I do
I mean could you imagine coming to the finish line and looking back and realizing you never had any fun along the way?
And when I think of fun I think about planning things with friends, family and all that kinda thing.
Because I think at the end of the day it leads back into the last thing that I would do, which is live life to your OWN full potential.
Not anyone else’s…
Not your friend’s…
Not your family’s…
Your OWN.
That’s super important.
Like my wife and I we kinda do the same thing but we do it differently if that makes sense?
So she works on the weekends, and I don’t. And that’s it, you know what I mean? I talked in the last episode about doing things at my own speed, and this is exactly what I meant.
What can you do to prepare for the world falling apart? Let us know and tag us on social media!
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