Episode 54: Is Anybody Actually Self-Made?

Hey everyone and welcome, welcome, welcome to yet another episode of Kosmo Unfiltered.
As usual, it’s me Kosmo, and I’m with my boy, Wes…
And today’s episode… might be a little controversial.
Because in today’s episode, we are going to be talking about the myth of the self-made man.
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So without further ado… let’s get right into it!
My Hospital Story
So whenever I think of this, a very particular time in my life always comes rushing to mind.
So I remember when I was a kid I had to stay in hospital for a little while.
And I’ll never forget everybody saying to me, “Well done, well done, you’re healing so well and you’re being so brave!”
But ya’know… the truth is…
That I couldn’t have done that stuff all by myself.
Without the staff, the nurses or the doctors or anybody like that.
Or at least, even if I tried, it would have taken a lot longer.
I mean when you think about it, at the end of the day, these people took time out of their lives. Not their jobs - but their lives, to get a job working in a hospital and helping kids.
And in business it’s the exact same thing. I always stop to think about all of the people who have helped me along the way.
Like people who always wanted to pay it forward to me, and now it’s gotten to the point where I can pay it forward to all of these people.
Is Anyone Really Self-Made?
And that’s where I think it’s funny.
Because every now and again you hear someone boasting about the fact that they are self-made.
When at the end of the day, all they really are is arrogant.
Like imagine having so much over-confidence that you think you are the only one responsible for your own success.
And if things went wrong for these kinds of guys, they’d be the first people to turn around and say that they weren’t at fault.
I mean personally, for me… all i can think about is how grateful I am for the people who helped me in my lifetime.
And now… I’m grateful that I’m in a position where I can pay it forward to other people and help them along their way too.
So to cut it short: Be thankful for other people to help you. And be thankful to other people who you get to help.
Pretty simple.
But are any of these guys self made at the end of the day?
I mean personally, very few of them are I think.
I mean you always get that one guy or girl who did something incredible with the help of very few other people.
But that kind of occurrence is so rare. And in business? It’s almost non-existent.
Do you know any self made people? Do YOU think you’re self made? Let us know and tag us on social media @kosmounfiltered
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