Episode 64: This White Chicken Chili Recipe Shocked Me

Hello and welcome, welcome, welcome back to another episode of Kosmo Unfiltered.
As usual, it’s me and the man himself, Wes.
And today’s episode is all about the first recipe that Wes and I did together.
And actually, it’s a recipe that came from you. And I ain’t gonna lie; I wasn’t totally on board with it, to begin with.
But as usual, our marketing team does a great job of threatening me when they need to, and so here we are.
And that is our white chili chicken recipe.
So let’s get into it!
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So let’s get started!
The Background to this Recipe
So normally, when we get a recipe from somebody, and maybe one that I’m not entirely sure about… I always do two things:
I pout, then I dig in.
And I ain’t gonna lie… this was one of those recipes that I wasn’t entirely sure about.
But oh boy, was I wrong.
I mean, I wouldn’t hesitate to say that this was easily one of the top 20 recipes I’ve seen before.
But again, there were some things about it that I just didn’t realize until we started making it. For example, the only reason why it’s called white chicken chili is that there’s a block of cream cheese added to it
And lemme tell ya… I was SHOCKED at how slowly that thing melts.
I mean, we cut it up into small one-inch cubes, and it still took like 7-8 minutes for it to melt completely, you know?
But also, I like the fact that we had to purée beans in order to thicken it up a little bit. I mean, at first, I realized that it was actually kinda smart… but I also just thought, like… “Who the hell has time to think about this stuff?!”
But what really saved our asses was this little awesome food processor that we had.
Just this little hand crank one that chops things up and turns them into purée.
On a side note, you could also do this entire thing in your slow cooker if you’re strapped for time.
Like, you know, in the morning before you go to work, saute up the vegetables and stuff and put the whole thing into the slow cooker.
But having said that, for me, one of the most amazing parts of this recipe was how fast it was! I mean, we did use a rotisserie chicken,
Wrapping it Up
But all in all, that was a recipe that I was really happy with.
But as much as I did enjoy it, there are a couple of things that I would do a little differently. I mean, I think if I were doing it again, I would pull the corn out and put it in hominy instead.
I mean, for the record, when it comes to hominy from a bowl, I ain’t your guy.
And I was never a huge fan of it, actually, until I tried green chili cheese and hominy.
Man, that stuff is life-changing.
I guess on top of that, I’d also add a jalapeno; I’m a big fan of spicy stuff.
But I guess there’s always room for improvement.
What did you think of the recipe? Let us know and tag us on social media @kosmounfiltered
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